Minor Update 3/8/13
Fixed some broken links in Catharsis E and the gift art section.
Technology has progressed and I hope to get higher res versions of the animation up on Youtube... if the terrible codecs will allow that.
Minor Update 6/14/09
Lets not talk about how long it's been..
Catharsis A+B will be going up, possibly with colours,
something previously unseen on it.
Animation may go up on Youtube for access and reliability once I see
how much trouble that might be.
The layout might get a change to something simpler than the
carefully balanced Jenga tower that is the table in table in table
in table framework of the current site..
++++date classified by Imperial Inquisition++++
Since I recently did another contribution
to tOFU, it must be time to update my webpage XD;; That's my joke
anyway. I started back at school in January and it plus overtime
work left me little time do much else.
new updates are:
The 06 Xmas card which
is charming and all but was truly epic in real life as it was a
multi-level pop-up card. Serious papercraft engineering went into
that one.
Kannon awesomness from AFUJI,
an artist so good she drew Kannon wearing clothes! (srsly like everyone
draws her nekkid to avoid having to do all the straps XD;;)
The pages of Catharsis G, I,
and Spiderman vs God. Parody and controversy
are a sexy sandwich.
to Anime North and pick
up TOFU 9 with
Cartharsis J!
classified by Imperial Inquisition++++
It's that time again. Work begins on this year's Xmas card. I'm
debating a conclusion to the B3 vs Santa saga or something unrelated
and crafty.
I have penciled a new page 1 for Catharsis A.
classified by Imperial Inquisition++++
was cool and led to going to the Fargo
Entertainment Expo. Both cons were good experiences and
have given alot to think about in regards to style, content, and
classified by Imperial Inquisition++++: Better Late Than Never
I have posted Catharsis E for your veiwing pleasure!
Catharsis E was one of my most exhaustive efforts outside of
animation. It is also the first comic I submitted to a complilation
publication. Each page was originally done in colour and then readjusted
for grayscale printing, all twenty-five of them. Considering the
strap content in some of those pages there really isn't a good reason
I haven't finished Strap Hell yet XD;;
me know if the pages are too big or even better, what you think
of the Comic.
Update 7-3-06
Added a sketch of Black Jury I did a week ago. It was both excersize
and an exploration of how to make the costume cooler on the level
of Kannons' strap nightmare.
I'm also doing a image request challenge and will post the results
once I hit the limit.
Minor Update
IF you know anything about financial quarters you'll know why I've
been a slack-ass about updating XD;;; Today I give you the thought
provoking 05 Xmas card because I could do with some snow about now
Update 6-10-06
I wasn't dead, just disconnected and in schooling for that arcane
thing known as electronics. Now with a new faster connection I will
be putting up Catharsis E, Xmas 05, and other things very soon.
Update 8-9-05
Major simply from the fact I completed a short animation (*finally*)
and it is also a Cartharsis project.
F is a simple project for experimentation and an animation
refresher. Since it's an animated GIF it maybe play differently
in different programs. Take
a look.
Update 7-24-05
Minor site tweaks along with new art in Gifts
and the Blasphemous Three
Inking Challenge piece in the Blasphemous
Three section. The challenge is to take the complicated penciled
rough and turn it into a sexy clean piece of art.
Major/Minor Update 7-20-05
And we're up!
Sorry if you couldn't get here before, ISP issues have caused me to
relocate my page. I'm taking this chance to update and do some redesign
on the page as well.
The gallery is updated and re-arranged for content instead of date.
For now I'm using the old listings and format but that will change
along with icons for images. The goal is to integrate Flash into the
navigation and display.
The S.O.P:A.D section is everything
to do with that early series of films.
The Blasphemous Three section has
Kannon(seen above), Black Jury, Orange, and other involved character
The Independant section is art unrelated
to any particular series.
The Animation section has the
short films I've done along with history of the work and a forthcoming
In Comics are comics XD What I've
done may not always make sense, don't worry tho there are alot of
In Gifts are gift-arts to and from
There will be some overlap in content which is for completness' sake.
IF you like something don't hesitate to email. |